Welcome to Orient Machine Tools

Commenced in the year 1988, “Orient Machine Tools” is a Sole Proprietorship based entity. The headquarter of our corporation is located at Linghi Chetty Street, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Our organization is involved as the wholesale trader of Wood Working Machine, Under Crank Shearing Machine, Belt Disc Sander, Industrial Slotting Machine, Welding Machine, Band Saw Machine and many more. Owing to our domain proficiency and potential to cater diverse requirements, clients are placing repetitive orders to us. Today, we have fruitfully expanded our reach in the market of our nation.

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We Have 30+ Years Industrial Experiences

Dramatically disseminate standardized metrics after resource leveling processes for change for interoperable

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We are open on

Mon - Sat 07:00 - 21:00

Sunday - Closed


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Contact Info

Phone number


Address info

No. 218, O, 212, Linghi Chetty Street, George Town
Chennai,Tamil Nadu, (India)