The company was founded by the present Director’s father Late Shri Bharatbhai A Patel, way back in 1949. He was a visionary, in that he always accepted challenges at the workplace and in life. He adopted an integrated approach towards the development of any machinery/component/mechanism. The Etching Press thus got created, when the now world-famous artist Shri Jyoti Bhatt approached him for the manufacturing the equipment. This has now found a place in history as the firm has, since then, supplied the Graphics Studio/Ceramic-Pottery equipment to 99% of the Art Institutions and Artist in India. To illustrate, Banaras Hindu University, Nagpur University, Vijaya Fine Arts Society, Punjabi University, Lalit Kala Academy, Bharat Bhavan, and the list is endless thus the indigenization concept of the firm came into being.