Its Simulate the hands of a professional massage therapist, the ergonomically massage Nodes together with firm thumb-kneading actions and provides yet enjoyable massage to loosed up tense, knotted muscles, especially along the spine.
Regulate circulation and tenderize stiff muscles with the percussive massage action similar to the massage expert’s fists
Roll away strain and aches up and down the entire back while relieving pressure from the spinal discs.
It relieves stress and soothes aches with a targeted massage on a specific area of back.
Very effective in eliminating fatigue and stiffness on the neck and shoulders. EMedico Works on overall physical tension to relax tight muscles.
EMedico deliver a deep and point focused massage to stiff shoulder muscles, soothes accumulate strain and tension on the neck.EMedico focus on the arms, hands and palms in a choreographed sequence of inflation and deflation to revitalize the entire arm, from the arms right down to fingertips.
eMedicos provide the full coverage for Calves, Ankles and feet and it Improve Blood circulation and provide instant deep relief to tired & aching legs.EMedico has the Soothing heat Massage therapy to improve flexibility and contributing to increase range of motions.
EMedico has Music synchronization via connect any of Music gadgets by Bluetooth to enjoy the Meditation music along the Massage. High Quality Fibre leatherette Upholstery for a long and dust free life.
The only chair which has unique Zero Gravity in 2 different pattern to suits different height of the user.
The eMedico has a female & Senior Citizen dedicated programme which has been design for females to pamper their body more smoothly.
The complete manual customization under eMedico can be restoring to create another 3 new programme as per users choice. you can memorize your customization.
The Full body stretch is the unique feature of eMedico, in which the upper and lower part of the body will be stretched separately to target deep relaxation after long play or Gym.