Amaze Technologies was established in 2015 as a wholesaling, trading, distributing and service provider house to cater to Indian Industry, specializing in 3D Printing Machine, 3D Printing Software, Printer Filaments, Power Tool Resharpening Machine, Inventure 3D Printer and Tool Cutting Off Machine. Amaze thrives to provide products and services with world class quality, commitment, precision, sturdiness and long life, hence giving complete value for money to our customers. We print complex and intricate designs, not compromising on the quality and finesse, in turn providing our customers an enriching Value Proposition.%u200B Our Plastic Filament variety is of best quality which ultimately results in top-notch print quality and resolution. We are always on the task of serving our customers offering them complete design, modelling and prototyping assistance. In 2016, Amaze started its new division introducing Easy to Use Tool Re-Sharpening Machines. This range of machines gives Drill bit users the freedom to re-create the edge of cutting of Drills and End mills within seconds, at a nominal cost. Drills and End mills re-sharpened on AMAZE machines practically provide similar cutting edge and tool life as good as a new tool.