Rangani Engineering PVT. LTD., the emerging manufacturing and trading firm has become the most trusted entity in the industry offering Metal Flanges, Pipe Fittings, Baler Machines and many more since the establishment in 1991. We at Rangani Engineering are very quality conscious and everyone associated with the company from chairman to helper chant the Quality Mantra all the time. All materials are procured with manufacturers Test Certificate and are meticulously tested at factory to confirm chemical and metallurgical properties including hardness. We are well aware of the use of our components by our clients and are very critical of their operational performance therefore we observe strict quality control measures at every level of production. We have a documentation system to record the history of each product, right from details of raw material along with test reports, manufacturer s Test Certificate, Independent agency test certificates till dispatches of finished products. We have fully equipped chemical/ metallurgical testing laboratory for carrying out the quantitative analysis of common elements such as carbon, silicon, manganese etc. We are also very well equipped to carry out physical tests such as impact test, crack detection test etc.